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Brougham family history resources

The Brougham Family by C. Roy Hudleston

Family genealogy of the Cumbrian Broughams

The Brougham Family by C. Roy Hudleston

The Parish Registers of Brougham 1645-1812

Transcribed and Indexed by COL. J. F. HASWELL, C.I.E., M.D in 1943

The Parish Registers of Brougham 1645-1812

Broughams of Huddersfield and Collingham

Three generations of Huddersfield Broughams

Broughams of Huddersfield and Collingham

A Gathering of Broughams but not a clean sweep

Peter Brougham Wyly's extensive research on the Brougham Family genealogy

A Gathering of Broughams  but not a clean sweep

A Gathering of Broughams - in their family trees

Peter Brougham Wyly pulled together all his knowledge into these family trees.

A Gathering of Broughams - in their family trees

The Brougham GRO Index

Peter Brougham Wylys list of all Broughams he was able to find on the GRO index

The Brougham GRO Index
Examples of books used in family history research

Check out these books and websites

We've pulled together a list of books and websites that we have found particularly useful or enjoyable in our wander through Brougham Family History

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